Time with a Friend

           Today I skyped with one of my dear high school friends, when we started talking I wasn’t feeling myself and felt foggy to the world. We talked for a little while and as we were talking I could feel the change happening. I began to come out of the fog I was in and some of the things that have been unclear to me over the last few days became clear and open to me. We talked about the many things we are both doing a school right now and how crazy and busy our lives are. We talked of exciting things and opportunities heading our way. We shared stories and laughter. We also shared tears (of joy) and memories we both would probably rather forget.
            In our time sharing with each other I began talking to her about my upcoming opportunities to share my story which she was a great part of. Over this week I have been highly dissatisfied with what I wrote previously and was overwhelmed with what to do with it. Do I write another, do I use what I have, or do I start from scratch with a new viewpoint on a different day. As I read her the draft I had been working on it became clear to both of us that this was not the draft that would be final but that I had written the final draft many months ago. We spoke of things I had left out, things I wanted to place into the journey and things that were yet to personal to share. Through our talking a sense of healing come over me, a sense of understanding of the scope of my journey. I gained a sense of peace with the larger journey that has taken many years to overcome. My journey is a long story of rising and falling and picking myself back up again after each set back. It is a journey filled with hope, opportunity, and love.
            After talking today I realize how amazing my journey has been, how incredible the people around me are and how it took a village to build me up and get me the help that I needed throughout this crazy time. As I continue my journey I know that there will be many people standing by my side supporting me and loving me for who I am. Helping me to learn and grow and continue to become a person filled with love and light.
            I want to thank my dear friend for taking time out of her never ending crazy schedule to talk and lift me up. I am so grateful for the amazing friendships that I have and the people who have stood with me through every up and down in this journey of life. They are the ones who have helped me to do the work and encourage me to continue to do the work to be the healthiest version of myself that I can be.

            I look forward to sharing my story for the first time next week at my church. I am thankful for the opportunity to share my story and spread awareness to who ever will listen that depression and anxiety are nothing to be ashamed of.

Have a great week! 


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