Find the Magic. Be the Magic.
Finding magic in your own life is entirely up to your perspective. For me I find magic in the simplicities that surround me. Many of my simplicities are the people and settings in which I often spend time in. For example each morning my one roommate makes coffee that we both sit and drink before we head out for our busy days. During this 20 minutes or so we talk and catch up on that which we haven't been able to share because of our busy and opposite schedules this semester. I find this to be one of the most enjoyable times of my day just sitting with one of my best friends drinking coffee. Its rather simple. To me spending time with people that I love and care about is magical.
I love the magic of a quiet moment to sit and write with tea. A moment to take in all that is going on in life and celebrate all that I am blessed with. I love turning on some soft and quiet music and just writing or reading. My cup of tea in hand and my blinds open for sunlight to pour into my room. There is such a peace and a magical feeling that comes over me when I have that space and time. It isn't anything unattainable or special as we often perceive magic but rather a simple moment in my life to enjoy each portion of the moment and of myself. Magic is everywhere.
Another example of the magic I find in my life is the places I visit or spend time in. Just last night I was walking across campus taking in all of the beautiful scenery and space that my campus has to offer. I am so blessed to have a beautiful campus that is kept so clean and beautiful. It is magical to feel at home and be surrounded by nature. I just stood for a moment admired it and took in a deep breath of crisp fall air. I will never have another October as a student here at LVC so I am trying to take in each moment, each memory, and the magic I feel surrounding me here on campus. There is magic everywhere.
I found magic in so many places in my life. The magic of people, places, the smell of home, the beautiful nature, and the laughter of people you love. Magic is all up to you. What do you find magical and how do you perceive the many things you encounter each day.
Enjoy the magic and find your own magic. What could it be?
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