The Art of a Beautiful Life: 30 Days of Inspiration
Today I am starting a 30 day challenge that I found. This challenge is meant to be done in a journal. I have a journal that I do many things in but I felt that this could be a good 'challenge' for me to complete here on my blog sharing the inspiration that I find over the next 30 days through the prompts that have been given and the prompts that I may come up with on my own. I feel that now is the perfect time to do this challenge because of the many things I am preparing to do in relationship to sharing my story and sharing the inspiration that I have found each day in my life. In 30 days I will be sharing my story to empower parents and students to take actions to address depression, anxiety and mental illnesses of many types. To lead up to the inspiration that I hope to share with many people I thought I would share inspiration with you, my readers. I hope you enjoy the next 30 days of posts and inspiration. Don't be afraid to inspire those around you and share your own stories.
Find the beauty and inspiration in your life!
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