Driving Force
This last week has been far from picture perfect but it has proved to me that I can hold my own physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. As many of you know I am student teaching this semester and last Monday was the beginning of my second half. For the first half of the semester I spent time in a second and third grade learning support classroom which addressed the needs of many children who may struggle in reading, writing, or math. For the last 8 weeks of student teaching I am in a 2nd grade general education classroom. While these placements don't appear all that different at first glance they are very different. As for last week, it was my first week in 2nd grade and my co-op wasn't in school for the week because of jury duty so I had the chance to take on my first week in the classroom with subs in and out all week. It was interesting to say the least but I made it through along with all of the kids and my co-op. As you probably can imagine based on what I said above blogging over the last week has been the least of my worries. When I picked up my 30 days of inspiration list this afternoon to see what I have missed posting about over the last week I realized it all focus on goals so I am going to combine the last 6 posts into 1.
I always have been a highly goal oriented person. When I have something to work towards or for I am much more motivated to complete the task or tasks at hand but when I don't have goals it is easy to fall stagnate and have no direction. I over the years have been taught many methods of setting goals and specific requirements they should follow to make sure that they are attainable. The one that I tend to fall back on most is the SMART method of goal setting. I was introduced to this in high school and reintroduced while going through peer mentor training here at LVC. This set up really helps to think each goal through, make sure you have covered all of the important info and it is attainable. SMART is an acronym for the words to remember. S stands for specific, M stands for measurable, A stands for attainable, R stands for relevant, T stands for timely. The first thing it reminds us to do is make the goals specific which is so important when writing goals. Making it measurable is also important. Goals that aren't measurable are hard to follow through with because you never know if you are making any progress or not. Attainable is very important, I can't say I want to be a unicorn because that just isn't going to happen. It needs to be something that is within reach, if it is so far out that you have no road map to get their it probably isn't the first goal to be setting. Making a goal relevant is also important. Does it help you in your bigger purpose of life or in something you want to continue doing or is it something that won't lead you further. Last but certainly not least is timely. Being realistic with this piece is hard sometimes, it needs to be timely but also attainable so maybe it is going to take longer then you are hoping for but if that is the time line that is going to make it attainable then so be it. So now that I have explained the method I often use to write my goals I will share with you some goals I have and the actions that I am or will take to reach them.
Graduate college in May.
Get my first job teaching either elementary school or special education.
Sharing my story with those around me to bring awareness to the many people struggling.
These are just a few of the many goals that I have. Perhaps you have some goals for yourself or will set some in the near future. As for me I am only 10 days away from sharing my story and bringing awareness to many people struggling with depression and anxiety in my community. While I am overwhelmed with excitement there is also anxiety that comes with sharing a large piece of yourself. I definitely am feeling that anxiety as I get closer to sharing but it isn't crippling anxiety, it is filled with hope and endless possibility. Tonight I begin the process of looking at my story and deciding how it will best be presented for this event. I look forward to the process. Each time I read it and rewrite the words that will never be able to fully encompass the journey a piece of me is liberated and lets go. It is a chance to forgive myself and those who have hurt me. It is time for me to use this once negative, painful journey to bring light to someone else along their journey. Each moment is with it if I can help one person to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Have a great week and I look forward to sharing more with you this week! Always smile and love every piece of the journey no matter how light or dark, it makes you who you are.
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