Climbing a Ladder
Challenge is the word of choice in my life right now. Challenge isn't a bad word, often times in society we turn certain words into negative and positive words but I am trying my best to look at some of the words society has labeled as negative or difficult in a different way. I have many challenges going on in my life right now. Good challenges, challenges who make me who I am and builds my character. I have challenged myself to share my story and be proud of who I am, something I have struggled to do in the past. I am challenging myself to stay positive even with negative moments in my life. In particular being able to move on from a negative moment without it impacting my mood and emotions for the rest of the day. During this time of challenging myself I also have to make sure I am aware of what I need and how far to push myself. I need to continually make sure that I am keeping myself healthy and giving myself the appropriate amount of space to process and continue healing in this journey, so some days when I don't write or I am closed off it is because I need space and time to focus on me and be healthy. One of the biggest misconceptions that happens when you experience anxiety and depression is that people think you are anti-social and unfriendly sometimes. But it isn't that. It is at times a way of saying I need space, I love you and you are a great person but for both of our sakes, space is the best option. So next time you feel like someone is pushing you away don't assume that, be compassionate and understanding that some people need more space and time to process then others. I know for me right now I definitely need more time and space to process because I am focused on sharing myself and preparing for November 12th. Now that I have gone on and on for a little while below is my post for today's challenge.
Today's challenge in the inspirational life blogging challenge is to decide on another 30 day challenge I will do after I am finished with this one. So I have picked a slightly different challenge this time. I am going to take a photo challenge that also incorporates inspiration and positivity into it. Below you will find my new challenge which will start when I am finished with this one. I have yet to decide if I will be sharing that on the blog but I will be making that decision shortly and be sure to let all of you know.
More to come tomorrow!
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