Time for Reflection


            One of the things I have found to be a great coping skill is alone time. Over my last few years in College I have found that I need alone time just as much if not more then I need time with people. For me creating space and time to process all of the emotions and never ending roller coaster of anxiety and depression is important to my overall health. When I spend time alone I don't look at it as being lonely or a time without anyone else. I look at it as time with me. Time that I can do things I love without anyone else having input. Sometimes these
moments are so critical to how I handle my next episode of anxiety or depression. Spending time to center myself helps me to remind myself of the tools I do have, the good I have in my life, and what I am capable of. For many years I have been dependent on people to help me through my emotions. Yes talking it out is great and I love doing that too but sometimes there are things that need to be decided and kept to yourself. For me many of my emotions and decisions on how I am going to handle that emotion are choices I need to make, uninterrupted by others thoughts or opinions. I use to want to get every ones opinion on it and then make a decision which only made things more confusing. Now that I create space for myself I have found a healthy balance of thinking for myself and asking for others input only when I truly want it. Once again my perspectives have changed. I use to think I was incapable of making these decisions, now I realize I was the only one capable of making the right decision for me all along.
               Over the last week I have taken a lot of alone time to reflect and write my story out for the presentation on November 12th. This weekend I finished writing it up and when it was all finished I just sat and cried. The tears were not bad, they were tears of realizing the magnitude of everything I wrote out. This is the first time I wrote it all out. Absolutely everything that I can remember about it went onto the page, then I edited from there to share what I wanted/needed to be shared. It was emotionally exhausting yet emotionally liberating. When it is all out on the table like it was on Friday night when I finished it frees you from the 'secrets'. For me many of the things I am sharing on Thursday are still fresh. I have shared the outline of the story before, but never with this detail. The details I have shared are at times difficult for me because they are still painful moments I am working through. But I am ready to share this and share a piece of myself and my journey with the world. 
Creating space and time alone is so important and today's inspirational life challenge asks me to share things I like to do when I have free time to myself. So as I have done for the last 2 posts here is a list of some of these things with pictures. Enjoy! 

Drinking Coffee in Silence 

Taking a walk- Especially in Nature 

Writing and Blogging with a cup of tea or coffee in hand. 

Netflix- Watching a movie alone sometimes is the best! 

Playing flute and listening to music. 

Pintrest is definitely my worst procrastination tool but, it also gives me many good ideas and time to relax. 

Scrapbooking or Smash Journals. I love to smash journal. It allows me to express my emotions, gratitude, and be creative all in one. 

Reading- I don't have a whole bunch of time to read anymore unless it is something related to school so when I have a spare moment to pick up a book of my choice I am thrilled. 

As the week continues I will be posting more and catching up on the posts that I missed over the weekend. I look forward to sharing my journey leading up to Thursday. I apologize for any days I may miss this week. My schedule is very busy this week and emotionally I may need extra space but I will be sure to catch everyone up if I do miss. Have a fantastic Monday. 


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