Leading Up...

Monday, December 21- Door
       Today was the first day since August 31st (besides holidays) that I haven't walk through the doors of Hershey Elementary. It was odd for me knowing the kids I have worked with for the fall were at school and I wasn't. Each time I looked up at the clock I though ... Oh they're at Lunch right now or Oh they're working on reading right now.  It made me miss their smiling faces and all the stories they would share each Monday morning after their weekend activities. I missed the smiles and good mornings that I was greeted with at the door to our classroom while I sipped my coffee. The doors of Hershey Elementary became doors of opportunity for me to learn and grow as a teacher and to learn with my students every day. I will always remember the 23 kiddos that taught me so much about life, teaching, and the person they think I am that I hope I become.

Tuesday, December 22- Make a list
 My list of Thanksgiving this Christmas:

  • My Family for always supporting me in my crazy ideas and adventures 
  • Friends for the fun and their love and support in every moment. 
  • My students and Co-op's who have taught me so much and shared so much of themselves with me over the 16 weeks I worked with them. 
  • My church family who has opened so many doors for me and been a safe space for me to finally open up and share my story. 
I am sure I haven't hit everyone but this is just a short list of the amazing people I am thankful for. 

Wednesday, December 23- Star
      Today I spent time with some of the people that shine light into my life at the darkest moment. I got to spend time with one of my best friends that I often don't get a whole bunch of time to see. I enjoyed my time catching up with her, learning what is going on in each others lives, and learning the new changes that are in our lives. After a nice lunch date and of course a WaWa run, we headed back to her house to bake cookies with some of our friends from high school who also were part of the light guiding me in my darkest night. I find it interesting that today's word was star. As I sit and write about this I can't help but think of the star that so many followed to find baby Jesus laying in a manger. It is incredible to think of how God leads people in their lives through the most 'ordinary' signs. God placed a sign and light into my life with these friends and the many people that support me in my journey. Look up, you never know when God has a star shinning for you to follow.
Image result for real stars in the sky

Thursday, December 24- Twas the night...
      Twas the night I spent with family and my church to celebrate the birth of Christ. Each year I find my favorite church service to be the Christmas Eve service. There is an excitement in the air and a beauty that falls over my churches almost 150 year old walls. Each year as we light candles and sing silent night I find myself looking around at the people that I share so much of my life being filled with thanksgiving and love. I find myself reflecting on the year I have had since the last time I looked into the flame of that candle. As I wrote about earlier this month after Christmas at the Valley, the choir  and Christmas concert at LVC, their is a sense of reflection in moments when everyone in the room lights a candle and listens or participates in the beautiful music that is happening around them. I find these moments to be some of the most beautiful and reflective moments. As I looked into the flame of my candle at both events I found myself filled with love and overwhelmed with happiness. Feelings that have at this time of year been very difficult for me over the past few years. I am overjoyed to find happiness and love within myself again knowing that I have so much excitement and love ahead of me.

Friday, December 25- Family
    Merry Christmas! This Christmas I spent time with my parents, my dog, and my grandparents on my dads side. Last night for Christmas Eve I spent time with my mom's side of the family at our family get together.  I have always been lucky to be surrounded by family for Christmas. So many people struggle through the holidays because they are alone, have lost someone they love, or struggle from so many other heart breaking life situations. I am so thankful for the family I am always surrounded by on holidays and the support they have always shown me. Christmas is filled with love and joy when family is near. I love the time I get to spend with my family and cherish each moment. 


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