If only I could ..

Day 4- What is one thing you want to forget in your life???
If there was one thing I could forget about it would be the year 2011. Most of my memories from 2011 are not fond memories, rather they are memories that forever changed my life. It was the year that took me down to the ground and it took me all of that year to begin to build myself back up, to be able to stand up on my own again. Although the year was extremely negative for me there were good things that looking back came out of that terrible year and the terrible situations. I learned to be myself, and love myself like I never had before. I began embracing my differences rather then hiding them and building my self confidence back up. I learned that I have the most loving and amazing parents and family members, who when I fell were right there to pick me up and hold  me up until I could stand again. I learned that I have friends that are golden and can never ever be replaced. Friends that helped me when I couldn't help myself. I became close to someone who I now consider to be one of my closest friends. I realized how many people cared and who the important people in my life were. It opened my eyes, not in ways that I really liked for my eyes to be opened but it did the job. It made me more thankful for everything around me, whether materialistic or just a smile. It made me enjoy the simple pleasures in life, the smile someone gives you when passing you, the texts asking how you are when you least expect them, and the time you get with the amazing people you are surrounded with. It made me enjoy the beauty in life, to see the good in everyone and to realize that you never know what is going on in their life until you walk a day in their shoes. Although 2011 was an extremely rough year for me, I will never forget the lessons I learned.


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