Each Day Is a Gift

Yesterday I honestly shared with Everyone what has been going on in my life. It is far from perfect. I sometimes feel like I need to make the world think my life is perfect and think that I live a life with no problems. I'm going to be honest my life can be a nightmare sometimes and can have so many problems I feel like I can't handle . There are days when I want to pinch myself hoping that this is only a dream and I will wake up and everything will be ok again. I need to be willing to accept that this is my life and that I have no control over what occurs in my life besides what kind of attitude I live my life with. A positive attitude will make life so much more enjoyable for me and the people around me. This will help me to have hope and faith and believe that each day can be better then the last. Each day is a Gift and although it took me a long time to realize it is a freeing feeling when you have that revolation. I still have not "fixed" everything in my life and nor do I ever think that my life will be all "fixed" and perfect but working towards letting go of things that bug me or that I feel a need to control is going to help me to come as close to perfect as I can. Its going to be a long road with a lot of hard work but it is completly worth it becuase
Everyday is a gift!


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