Day 18

Day 18- The Importance of HOPE!

“Never let go of hope. One day you will see that it all has finally come together. What you have always wished for has finally come to be. You will look back and laugh at what has passed and you will ask yourself... 'How did I get through all of that?”

Hope is a very important part to keeping a positive attitude. I have struggled latley to look at my life with HOPE! Hope is the begining of accepting what is happening in your life and making the most out of the situation even if it is no ideal! There are days when I tend to forget what it means to have hope, some mornings I wake up and do not even want to get out of bed, feeling there is no point to it because all that I can see is the negative aspect to my life. I have especially struggled with being able to hope that things will get better. Some days I can not see the future at all and it seems as if I will never make it! The future seems so far away sometimes that to try and hope it will be better is virtually impossible for me. When you are surrounded by a never ending reminder of the pain that you have in your life its hard to look on the bright side of things but you need to push yourself to look at things with a positive attitude. I will be the first person to tell you how hard it is! I struggle with this everyday and latley have not been doing to well at staying hopeful and positive. Sometimes I feel as though the whole world is crashing down around me and everything has "blown up". I feel when I have my "hopeless" days that everything can only get worst instead of better and I never can accomplish what I want to. For me it is hard to see past the negative news from doctors and the continuing on going stress of worrying and watching someone you love suffer. Each day provides a new challange to keep a positive attitude and have hope! Hope is what it takes to get through all the "hopeless" days and Hope is the answer to this horrible disease and any horrible disease there is! Hope is the answer!


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