Day 20- My Purpose!

Day 20- People you See Yourself with in the Future and a greater Purpose!  

"How is God Revealing himself, using you for better purposes, and making you stronger through your brokenness?".

I see myself being surrounded by the people I love in the future. My family and friends I will definitely be with in the future! These people are my rock! They help me get through anything that comes my way and are more then willing to help at a moments notice! My family is continually there for me providing love and support through ever situation! Lately I have been greatly struggling with being depressed and down and out. My friends have been there for me through this whole thing, constantly texting me or talking to me and trying to make me feel better. There is no other way to describe them then as my Life Savers, the ones who always help me when I seem to be drowning in sadness. They are the ones who remind me that there is hope and a future with out pain and suffering, a future when alpha-1 is gone! Last night  one of my Friends, Laura text me something that she had heard in church on Sunday and it got me thinking ....  " How is God Revealing himself, using you for better purposes, and making you stronger through your brokenness?" ... although I have not yet answered this question it made me realize that God has me on this path to serve a greater purpose, one filled with hope and life! One that provides a future full of love and hope! One that is Alpha-1 Free! One that prevents people from going through pain and suffering! There are times when I ask why is God putting me on this path because it seems so painful! God has a purpose for me, I just haven't found it yet! Each day God helps me to follow the path that will help me find my purpose! Although each day can be difficult it is important to remember that one simple question "How is God Revealing himself, using you for better purposes, and making you stronger through your brokenness?".



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