Day Four

Day 4- A Habit I wish I didn't have

One of the habits I wish I didn't have is stressing myself out over things that I am afraid are going to happen but don't know if or when they will. Before my Dad goes for much anticipated doctors appointments I tend to stress myself out and "prepare" myself for the worst possible thing that I think could happen. I don't look at things positively before an appointment or "prepare" for the good things but rather stress myself out over things that are only ifs and not actual reality or at least for the time being. I want to break this habit and have hope that no matter what the doctor says things will be the best they can be and give myself a chance to make the moments that I still have left with my dad be the best the can possibly be. Just because things are different doesn't mean that great memories can't be made, they just might have to be made doing something different then we did before. Each breath is a chance to make a memory! So go out and make one!


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