Day 12

Day 12- How I found out about blogger and why I decided to start a blog!

I found blogger through some blogs that people I know have started like my church pastor and some of my cousins. When I found blogger I wanted to start a blog but I wasn't really sure about doing it. I felt I would never update it and didn't really know what to write about. Once I thought about it I knew I had something that I could write about that would not be the topic of any ordinary blog. I decided to do this because I feel it is a way for me to share my story and the struggles that come with Alpha. I also think that this gives and insight into what it is like to have people so close to you going through such a traumatic and painful thing to people that have never had to deal with such a thing. This blog has also allowed me to share my thoughts and emotions in a different way then I normally would. Blogger is giving me the chance to spread the word about Alpha and what it is like to live with someone suffering from it.


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