I can't believe yet another week has pasted, the weeks seem to moving so quickly! Once again my week has been filled with a little bit of everything! Wednesday was crazy as always, but it's my favorite day of the week! This Wednesday was even more hectic then normal. I had my classes, gave a tour of campus to prospective students parents and then left to go to my preschool classroom for my field experience. This week the kids were especially energetic! They seemed to be jumping off the walls all day long, but as always they were warm and loving. The preschoolers I work with are so adorable, rather intelligent, and are full of life. They help me to stay grounded and love the simple things in my life. Their innocents and warm love for everyone puts a smile on my face. This week we were learning about thanksgiving and talking about what we are thankful for in our lives. Some of the answers that came out of 4 year olds mouths were incredible! They are who the rest of us should be learning from. We heard everything from being thankful for their family and friends to being thankful for their favorite foods but one child's response stood out to me. He told everyone in the class that he was thankful for the whole world because he loves to play outside and loves everyone in it, I personally feel for a four year old that's a pretty loaded answer! It was an eye opener to the other teachers and I that were in the classroom, where did this four year old come up with this? It was so insightful and so well said, this couldn't possibly have been the thought of a 4 year old, but it was. After the students left for the day this came up in conversation between the teachers and I, we always knew this student was intelligent and had one of the most loving hearts but this was far beyond that. We came to the conclusion that what this student had said was something the rest of the world could learn from! It is amazing to see that what a 4 year old says should be a lesson to the adults! After my exciting but exhausting day came to an end I couldn't stop thinking of what this student had said, it was on my mind for many days after, it was definitely food for thought. Because of this student I have looked at the world a little differently. I enjoy the trees and beauty of the nature that surrounds me on this campus even when I walk weary eyed to my 8am class. I enjoy the moments of sunshine, the people that are surrounding me, and all of things I am so lucky to have in my life! It is amazing to thing just how much I really have to be thankful for, at first glance it is the normal things but when you look deeper there is so much more, things I would have never thought of. Things so many others are left without. I complain often about how hot my dorm room is, it is always scorching in here but then i think, why I am I complaining? So many other people would thank God everyday for heat and here I am complaining it is to hot in my room. That is only the beginning of what 4 year olds have taught me this thanksgiving. It is truly amazing the things that a 4 year old says, can change my perspective. As you go through this week and holiday thing, think of all the things you have to be thankful for, truly think, there are so many things beyond what our imaginations can even come up with. Enjoy your thanksgiving with a new found perspective of just how lucky you truly are!
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