3 More Days of Picture Challanges!

Day 14 - Something you Hate
Something that I deeply hate is Violence. Violence is not the answer in any case. Issues can be solved in a peacefully way if everyone is willing to listen and understand each others points of view. I am part of a group at my church called T.A.P. which stands for Teens Acting for Peace. We work to teach young children and get the news out the peace is the answer and there is always a way to peace rather then war or violence. This is very close to me because we teach children that bullying is wrong and as I child I was bullied as many children have been, I want this violence to end and all children to have the opportunity to feel safe.
Day 15 - My Childhood Home
This is a picture of me on Easter one year outside my house.
Day 16- Something embarrassing
Friend Laura I know will enjoy this one. In 2008 when Laura and I were in Florida with our softball team we went to Disney and I sat down on a ledge and when I got up this leave was stuck to my pants and looked like a tail. I don't remember how long I walked around this way but I do remember Laura and I laughing for a rather long period of time. It was great fun but rather embarrassing.


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