Day 1- A Letter to my Best Friends!

To All my Amazing friends!
     You all have been the most incredible friends anyone could ever ask for! You have been there for me on countless occasions and never have turned your back or given up on me. I know this year things have been rough for all of us and things never seem to get easier but rather harder, but some how we always seem to make it through together and I know that will continue! We always pick each other up when we are down and go through the dark together so we can provide one another light! I am amazed at how amazing you all are. You always make me laugh when I feel like I need to cry and pick me up so I realize I do have people that will always be there. You are the most amazing people in the whole wide world!  I can't ask for better people to be my friends.
     Laura- Where to begin .... we have been through so much together over the years but I feel like this year has especially tested our friendship. I know after this year and all that's happened that our friendship is everlasting. No matter what you stick with me, even when I cause you a ton of stress and worry. You always are there when I need someone to talk to or someone to give me advice. You were there in some of my darkest moments to talk to and try to figure things out. You put everything aside for me and no one can ask for more then that from some one.  You tell me the truth when I am being a selfish brat and help me to see the simpler things in my life. I know I may not always listen but I do hear you.... It just takes time to all sink in. You are an amazing amazing person and a friend that will always be close to my heart. I love you to death and I hope you know that.
     Kate- you have heard all my complaints and been through so much with me. You came to my side when I needed you with me to get me through the night and were there when I needed someone to show me the light. Even in my darkest moments you were there to guide the way. You continually are patient with me when I need someone to make me realize I need to listen. You are honest to me and tell me everything I need to hear even if I don't want to. You make me realize when I have done something wrong or have made things harder for myself but you always are there to help me fix it. You are an amazing friend and have incredible patient and caring ways. I am so glad you are one of the people I get to call my friends and I am one of the luckiest people in the world to have a friend like you.
     Erin- Wow! We have been friends for a long long time. We have so many memories together, both scary and crazy and fun and completely ridiculous. You friendship is so important to me, we have stuck together since first grade and have been there for each other through the thick and thin.... You have given me so many positive memories and I know that when I am with you it is always sure to be a good time. Your loving and outgoing ways continue to lift me even when I am down and I can not thank you enough for that. I will always cherish our friendship and the fond memories we have.
    Katina- You are the most loving person in the whole planet that I know. You are extremely talented and beautiful and always are so humble. You are honest with me when I need some on to tell me how things really are but yet you have the sweetest way of getting your point across. You are always there when I need a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to. You always lift me when I feel down. I can not even put into words how grateful I am to have you as a friend. You are amazing and I know I will always be able to count on you. I love you so much and you mean the world to me!
    Jenn- Although we only met at the beginning of the school year we have been through so much together already. You are one of the people I know no matter what you will drop everything and come racing to my side if I need something, because you already have. In my darkest moments you were the one that helped me to see the light, you helped me to realize there was so much more then I was seeing. You were ready to drop everything and  come racing to my house to make sure I had someone to talk to and take care of me when I couldn't really take care of myself. You are an amazing person Jenn and have so much on your plate but no matter what you come to my side and make things always seem possible when they seem impossible. You are an amazing friend and I am so glad to have you! I love you! 

To each and everyone of you I love you guys to death and I could never live with out you! You are what keeps me going sometimes and are there in every situation and every moment to help me. I am thankful every day that I have such amazing people as friends. You are all talented and beautiful people and I will love you forever!



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