Life is Beautiful!!!!

Life is beautiful! In the morning you can take in a breath of fresh air and start a new day and a new happy experience. Life is an open book ready to be written in and the author is you. The author has the ability to write the book how ever they want. It can be an adventure book, a horror, a comedy, a tragedy, a novel or a sad book. Its all up to the author on how its written. There are so many things in life to be thankful and grateful for and ready to take life by the horns and live it. It’s such a beautiful thing. Every moment is a chance to write more of your story and more of your life. It’s a chance to do amazing things and experience so many things. There are so many opportunities in the world and so much to marvel at. There are so much beautiful things in the world. So much natural wonder and so much beauty. Even people who don’t care about you are beautiful. They are beautiful in their own way. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Each person has talents with in them that make them special and unique. Each person has a chance to write their own story and have the freedoms to be them selves. Each person should be allowed to be their own person and be their own special being. That’s what makes the world exciting. If everyone would be the same the world would be boring. Even in the hardest times that come up with my dad having Alpha I need to remember that I get the chance to spend time with him and create more memories. I can not let the sadness and stress of what is going on run my life, I need to be willing to look past them and enjoy the moments I do have left. I will be the first to admit this is an extremely hard task and I easily find myself doubting everything about my life and questioning why all this has happened but I can not spend my time on that or I will miss the moments that I have left with him. Life is a beautiful thing and is so fragile, you never know when it could take a turn and end up completely different then you had expected. Enjoy the moments all around you no matter what because LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!


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