Loving the Simple Things in Life!

Today I realized I need to start enjoying the simple things in life. The simple things bring happiness and make life enjoyable. Here are some of the Simple things in my life that I love! The Simple things are the best thing in my life and provide me with simple happiness instead of things being complicated. The Simple things are important! Enjoy them!
  1. The Good Morning I get from my parents when I wake up
  2. The Smile on my Dad's face when I throw a Good Game
  3. The hug I get from my parents when I make them Proud
  4. The Jokes my dad makes at dinner
  5. A fresh spring morning when the dew is on the ground
  6. The sad puppy dog face my dog gives me when He wants attention
  7. Spending time with my friends
  8. Spending time with my Family
  9. Playing my flute
  10. A bright Sunny Morning


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