
June 19,2016

Self-Love, so important! 

One of my favorite Affirmations! 

Good, quick reminders for self care! 

Here is the link for some effective strategies to self care! I love some of the suggestions and find them to be a helpful reminder when I need a pick me up or something new to add to my daily self care routine. 

April 20, 2016

March 1, 2016

February 3, 2016

November 9, 2015

September 14, 2015

Affirmations are the name of the game. It is sort of like a fake it until you make it idea. I use positive affirmations each morning before I even get out of bed. This is a new I am... affirmations sheet that I found. I love this one because of the range of words and thoughts it covers. It is just the right amount and not over done. Positive affirmations allow you to think positive and in turn creating a feeling of positivity even in a negative moment. For me affirmations are a huge piece of my self care. When I am not using affirmations it effects my moods and actions in a negative way. Enjoy the ideas for positive affirmations! 

Following right off of the positive affirmations above this positivity pledge also covers a large piece of my self care plan by affirming positive thoughts and actions through a meditative pledge to myself and those around me. Affirmations help me to see light in poor situations. I recite affirmations each morning and have more for moments throughout the day. 

I know they say these are kids lunch box affirmations but kids aren't the only ones that need positive affirmations. Print, cut and put into a jar. When you aren't feeling so hot pull one out of the jar to remind yourself to be positive and love yourself. 

My favorite of all. This is something I have hanging in my room for moments when I can't seem to pull myself back in from negative thinking. I often use this and repeat this to myself while I am experience a panic or anxiety attack. This helps me to stay focused, work through the anxiety present and continue the process of working back to a positive place after a negative experience. It can be used on many occasions not just anxiety or panic events. Enjoy this positive affirmation to yourself and your body. 

August 16, 2015

I posted these night time affirmations because I always have found affirmations at any time of the day to be a useful tool for me when I need a reflective moment to regroup and check in with myself. These are nice to have at night before I head to bed. It helps to clear my mind so that I can sleep peacefully. 

Okay I posted this because I love minions but I also happen to love the 7 steps (which says 6 twice) they give here. All of these things really do help to lead a happier more peaceful life. 

No self love makes it really hard to love everyone else. Love yourself so you can continue to love others. 

So I love this as well so in honor of posting the questions I will answer them myself below. Take a moment to answer these questions for your self and see what you come up with .

1. Yes. I love teaching and being with children and being at college is allowing me that opportunity. 
2. I've made a lot of promises over my lifetime and I can assure you there are a handful that haven't been kept. 
3. Yes I will and I have before. 
4. Certainly. A lot of things that I hold close to me that I know if I let go of it my perspective and perception of things could be very different. 
5.Yup and some of those feelings still hold true while others do not. 
6. No, everything I have done has lead me to where I am and who I am. I am proud of my path no matter what it looked like. 
7. Nope, mistakes are part of life and sometimes punishment comes with them. Oh well. Life is life. 
8. Umm.... hmmm good question. I am a person that cares about everything and everyone that I love. I am deeply invested almost to a fault some times. When I love, I love deeply. 
9. Yes. I answered this in question 1. 
10. I'd be ended too. You never know whats around the corner. 

I posted this because I just printed this for my dorm room and Love it! 

This is awesome. Love it and love the fact that it gives so many ideas for so many different areas, ideas, and time ranges which can help relieve stress with what ever time you may have to spend on self care. Love it! 

July 15, 2015

I am very aware of the people I surround myself with. This quote is one I love because it is so true. When I started to surround myself with positive and uplifting people who truly cared about me my thoughts and actions began to change. 

I have used the SMART goals set up on many occasions. This is a great way to set goals and has helped me to set goals that I can achieved keep me motivated to be the best me! 

I love this graphic!! This graphic is filled with many positive affirmations. Each morning I start my day with 3 positive affirmations. This helps me to check in with myself each day and to begin my day with positive reinforcement. It is all a matter of thinking and perspective. 

I use many graphics like this because they help me to be reminded of the self care I need. Often times I have one or more of these graphics displayed so that I can easily look and have an idea of something to do for myself. 

June 30, 2015 
I love this list because it helps me even on days where things are difficult to find a positive word to describe my day. Positive thinking and positive words help me to keep myself upbeat. I always seem to be able to find a word on this list that helps to describe and shed light on my sometimes not so amazing day. Next time you are having a rough day see if one of these words fits instead of a negative word. (P.S. I also enjoy saying some of these words just because they're fun) 

To build further on the self care kit I posted last week here is another way to make sure you have a plan set in place for those rough days. I love this because it helps me to find what may help me to feel better depending on what feelings I may have. I always have a favorite movie on hand (or on Netflix) and a play list ready to go for times I need to calm down. Find what works for you and have a plan to keep yourself going. 

Love this quote. Read it a few times. Take in what it is truly saying. Enjoy! 

This wheel is a great visual of what our lives consist of and the balance that we need. You can find variations on this week of self care but this one I enjoy because it gives self care ideas for each area of health. I often use this tool when I feel I am lacking balance in a certain area. I can then go to that area and see some of the suggestions and self care ideas. I pick one and go from there to try and find more balance in my life. 

Our society is so critical of body image, which I have faced many times. I have struggled most of my life with my body image and recently have struggled greatly to be proud of who I am and what I look like. This is posted in my room by my mirror so that I can go to this and read this in the moments when I begin to feel blue about my body image. Read these steps and follow them when you aren't feeling the best about what you look like. 

June 22, 2015

This can easily be forgotten an often times I am too worried about what is going on with everyone else but spending just a small piece of your day taking time for yourself can make a world of difference for the rest of the day. 

A list of ideas to lift yourself up and take care of yourself. 

I have my own self care box which I created in the last few years since I went away to college. This box has helped me on many occasions to take time for myself and reconnect so that I can handle whatever emotions I may be feeling. My self care box is in a bright pink box with gold polka dots (my favorite!!). Inside I have green tea, markers, sketch book, colored pencils, journal, pens of all colors, pictures of important people to me, essential oils (my favorites are eucalyptus and lavender), a candle, a play list of some uplifting music, a book of poetry, a list of phone numbers and addresses of important people in my life, empty cards, some stamps, and a list of activities to do that will help lift me up. This box has been of great help to me and can be to anyone. Take the time to make on up. It makes lifting yourself up a bit easier when you already have it together. This way I have no excuses, it is right there waiting for me in a box. Enjoy!! 


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