Be the one to...
Today is National Suicide Prevention day. A cause so near and dear to me. I have experienced suicide from a variety of angles and perspectives as the one to be left behind and as one who can no longer feel or see the light. Each year at this time of year many of the suicide prevention and mental health awareness organizations publish their campaigns for the year. I always enjoy looking into to each of them and connect to stories, self care strategies, and new ways to raise awareness. This year one of the awareness campaign slogans is Be the 1 to save a life and it focuses on what we can do to help those who are struggling with a variety of mental health concerns or are thinking of suicide. I was particularly drawn to this because I had an army of people around me who were the ones to save a life almost 8 years ago.
8 years ago when I struggled deeply with depression and suicidal thoughts, I was surrounded by people who asked me questions and how I was doing, kept me safe, were listening ears and helped to connect me to professionals and programs that could help me to work through the emotions and challenges I was facing. I was surrounded with an amazing group of girls from my high school who answered every phone call and text, got others involved to help, and checked in on me often. They were my rock in the hardest moments. The rocks that reminded me of who I was, helped me to talk out traumas, and work through the challenges I faced each day. They kept me safe in the confines of school each day, taking turns to watch me everywhere I went, alerting teachers and counselors, and defending me when others around didn't understand what was going on. They went out on a limb to be the one to help, to be the one who saved a life.
My parents and church family were equally important in being part of my tribe of people who were the ones to help. My parents in particular helped get me the resources I needed to be able to work through each day, they helped me get counseling, see doctors, and join support groups of other teens. My parents on many occasions would sleep on the floor in my room at night to keep me safe. My parents listened to me cry, scream, laugh, or sit in silence, whatever it took. They were there. They were the ones to help.
Upon entering college more people were added to my army of supports; professors, staff, RAs, and a new group of friends. My one friend in college took on this particular role rather seriously making sure throughout my freshman year that everything was okay and after sharing with her my story from high school, being understanding of the many fears I had but not taking that as an excuse for me not to face my many fears. She pushed me outside of my box on many occasions and forced me to really examine who I was and who I wanted to be. When things got challenging again my sophomore year she was the first one to ask the questions and help me find resources and no matter what I always knew my friends were there. Professors and staff whom I confided in would go out of their way to take time to ask the questions and be a listening ear, and help in anyways they could.
As I've continued through life post college I have found others who have been added to the army of support, people who listen to me vent at work, or lift me up with positive attitudes, people who have helped me find new coping skills and resources, and people who have helped me further find myself and who I am becoming. I have been so lucky because I have always had the one to ask questions, keep me safe, and help me find resources. I have always had many who would be the one to save a life. So many people don't have that army of people around them. Remember just listening can often make you the one to save a life. Be open to listening, ask people how they are doing, for real, not just as you walk quickly past, stop and really listen. Smile next time you stop to get a coffee at a stranger, you never know how it may change their day. We can all be the one to help, ask, keep safe, and save a life, just look around you, you never know what battles people are fighting quietly beside you.
Tonight I am going to be the one to say thank you to these amazing people in my life. There are so many of you! You know who you are and I will forever be grateful for your love and support in all moments and phases of my life!
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