My 83rd Reason

On Pop-Pop's 80th birthday we all wrote letters of our memories with him after he had faced a rough year of health concerns. I decided for my letter I could not decide on just one memory to share with him so instead I came up with 80 reasons I loved him. 80 memories of our at the time 20 years together. Each year since I have added another reason to the list. Tomorrow would have been Pop-Pop's 83rd birthday and even though he is not here to celebrate with me or share the 83rd reason with I am going to write my 83rd reason and share it with all of you. I am beyond blessed to have 83 reasons, 83 memories, and 23 plus amazing years with my grandfather. Happy Birthday Pop-Pop, here is the 83rd reason! I miss you more than I can express. 

83 Reasons I love Pop….
1.     For saying “We don’t want any.” Every time I walk through the front door.
2.     For teaching me how to hunt for Easter Eggs
3.     For folding my egg hunt bag before the big Easter egg hunts
4.     For sand box 1 …
5.     …. And Sandbox 2 (where you add the water J)
6.     For all the times I would stop in after school in High School.
7.     For the afternoons we spent at the gym together.
8.     For coming to our house every Christmas morning to see what Santa had brought me.
9.     For sailing boats down the street on a rainy day
10.  For making “McKoenig’s” for breakfast when I’d stay overnight
11.  For always being available “24/7”
12.  For Koenig Day Care
13.  For always supporting me in my Adventures
14.  For coming to Softball Games and cheering me on.
15.  For all the Jokes and Pranks you’ve played on me.
16.  For all the stories you have shared with me.
17.  For taking care of me over the summer when I would go to day camps.
18.  For all the times I would stop at your house between school and football games for food or whatever else I may need.
19.  For giving us “dime and Clips” one Easter.
20.  For having me play flute at your 50th Wedding Vow Renewal
21.  For sitting through many concerts and programs.
22.  For doing the Crop walk together.
23.  For all the snow days you watched me while Mom and Dad were at work.
24.  For sharing apples with me when I’d come over.
25.  For telling the sled story a thousand times so we will never forget
26.  For coming to basketball and soccer games.
27.  For always brightening my day when I come to visit
28.  For always ‘tricking’ me to believe you were doing magic with the Christmas Tree Lights
29.  For always showing me the Santa going down the chimney toy at Christmas
30.  For always having you as the ‘manager and taste tester’ at cookie baking
31.  For all the times I got to drink out of the Pillsbury Dough Boy Cup
32.  For hiding my Easter basket in some of the most bizarre places that I can never find!
33.  For going to the pool at Menlo in the summer
34.  For the Friendly’s Ice Cream sundaes I would eat at your house when you had them.
35.  For going on the Strasburg Railroad with me.
36.  For flattening a penny on the train tracks at the Strasburg railroad.
37.  For the time you let me trash the house while Gram was at crafts J
38.  For taking quick naps you say you never took
39.  For going to Phillies games with me
40.  For the one time free visit each dog gets when we first get them.
41.  For going to Vermont with me on my first trip at 7 weeks old
42.  For helping me to make sand castles
43.  For making me pork roll for lunch when I’d come for the day.
44.  For playing on the floor and helping me put the shapes in the shape mail box
45.  For all the times we would ring the bell out back
46.  For the plastic bunnies I would play with at Easter time
47.  For always having the electric fence on
48.  For kidding me about being ‘dah’ from time to time.
49.  For visiting you while you were camping when I was little
50.  For taking care of me when Mom and Dad would go skiing
51.  For playing with the Raggedy Anne Doll with me
52.  Picking us up at the Airport after Disney Trips
53.  For playing Hi-Ho Cherrio with me
54.  For the trip to Vermont for Courtney’s Graduation
55.  For always sharing your wisdom and knowledge with me.
56.  For always inspiring me to do my best!
57.  For always slipping me money before I left on a trip.
58.  When we went to the Keystone and you sat on the roll in your Pocket and told Gram it was hers J
59.  For all of the times you have spoiled me
60.  For loving me and all my cousins always.
61.  For being at all the special events in my life.
62.  For all the times you have let me get away with things I really shouldn’t have
63.  For always knowing what your present was (Your Cherries) even though I would try to disguise them   
64.  For all the times you were sitting on the porch waiting for me to come.
65.  For coming to Ballet Recitals
66.  For the picture of both of us at 3 years old that we look that same in
67.  For reminding me “I’m always a Koenig”
68.  For all the lessons you have taught me about life
69.  For the chance to play with Legos every time I came over.  
70.  For always sitting with me in the back of the car when we would go someplace together.
71.  For all the carousel rides on King.
72.  For coming to all the parades I was in for Girl Scouts or Band.
73.  For playing Foosball with me the Christmas morning I got it.
74.  For being at my Silver Award Ceremony for Girl Scouts
75.  For always checking out my sewing projects when Gram was teaching me to sew
76.  For being at my 16th birthday party and giving me a charm bracelet I cherish
77.  For running all the games at my 5th birthday party for my friends and I.
78.  For coming to all my TLC Christmas programs.
79.  For guiding me and helping me to be the person I am today.
80.  For being an amazing Pop-Pop!!
81.  For spending time with me at LVC J
82.  Spending time at your house, eating and making dinner with Gram and you!

83.  For listening and sharing stories about teaching and being at my graduation last may.


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