Saturday Afternoon Poem
This afternoon someone shared this poem with me after we had talked for a long while about life and how it is ever changing and never guaranteed. I have spent much time talking to this person and making life changing decisions that have truly helped me to become a happier person and have the freedom to do many things I once had fear of doing. This easter weekend as I sit here at home with my family and take in the beautiful spring weather, I enjoy the simple things. The sunshine, the cotton candy clouds, the breeze in my hair, and the chance to take my dog for a much awaited walk. Times like these where I have the opportunity to sit back and enjoy the simple things without worrying about doing work or a to do list, allow me to reset and be mindful of my own inner workings. I can sit and reflect, evaluate my emotions, feelings, and needs, and recharge to take on the next adventure in life.So I leave you with this poem this afternoon to read and take in. Read it a few times, each time I have read it I take away something new and enlightening.
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