Friends that love me when I am unlovable!

Over the last few years I have gone through the process of finding which people really love me, not matter what is going on and love me for who I really am, through the good and the bad. I have many friends that are just like this. Sticking things out with me when I think they shouldn't be friends with me anymore. When I don't understand why they would still want to be friends with me because I am so unlovable. But even in my most unlovable moments I have been blessed with friends who love me through the thick and thing. 
 Having a family that is affected by Alpha-1 sometimes makes life seem a little more difficult then normal. It brings about challenges and difficulties when you least expect them. At a moments notice everything can change. I know on many occasions I go from being a happy, loving friend to an angry, or sad, unloving friend but the people that I know are my true friends are the ones that at the roughest moments have loved me more then I deserved to be love because of my actions and words. 
I have been blessed with friends who love me for who I really am, for what I am going through and respect me for all that I am, good and bad. They take me as I am and don't try to change me. I can never thank them enough for their never ending love through the hardest moments. 
I love you all!! 


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