True Gifts of Christmas!

This year the holiday season has been a bit more special to me. Since I have been away at school the holidays give me time to be with my family, friends, and time to relax (something we all know I don't do to well heheh). My last post was at the beginning of finals week, well I survived my first finals week of my college career. While at times it was stressful and seemed impossible to study any more flash cards or read anymore pages in text books it was a learning experience, one that taught me to shut down my computer and go back to old fashion pen and paper. For me having a computer in front of me means, facebook, twitter, pintrest, and multiple other social Media sites are just a click away and I tend to be easily distracted by these sites and the "excuse" they give me not to study. So maybe technology isn't always good, although I find more good uses for it then bad!! Well back to Christmas, as I sit here and write on the sofa in the family room my dog is snuggled up against me and my Dad is making dinner. These simple things are the things I miss the most! The simple things that at times before I went off to school use to annoy me or seem to just be a pain, in some cases the simple things I never noticed till I left! This year when people asked me what I wanted for Christmas it was hard for me to come up with anything. I had a hard time figuring out what I wanted or what I needed. I have found when I look at what I might need, I actually need nothing, I have everything that I have and so much more. I have my family who supports me through everything and is putting me through college! Not only are they putting me through college they are supporting me every step of the way, helping me through each new challenge and taking joy in watching me grow. I have friends who no matter what are a phone call, skype, or text message away from me. People have been through so much with me, have put up with all of my faults and somehow still love me. These are the people I apologize to for being a pain and there simple response is always "I'm your friend, that's what friends are for". I am following my dreams, teaching and working with children! I love every moment I am in a classroom or teaching a flute lesson. Teaching will never be a "Job" for me, it is something I love, and when it becomes a job I am not doing something right! Every Wednesday I would go the preschool I was at for field work this semester I would have my best day of the week. I looked forward to Wednesday! This Christmas I have everything laying in front of me, opportunities of a life time, dreams that I have the chance to fulfill, people who love me, and so much more! So as I receive and give gifts this Christmas it will not be the material things that I get or give it will be the people I am surrounded with that will be the true gifts of Christmas to me.


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