Delayed Flight

Being stuck in an airport is no fun for anyone, especially when its late and you know you have to be at work the next day. It all is just an inconvenience when plans are 'messed up' or changed. This was my case last night. Stuck in an airport in Dallas for much longer then I had suspected I would be, but there was a reason I was stuck. This past weekend I travel to Texas to see my best friend from college in her 'new' home. I was super excited to see her and experience some of her town which she had moved to back in August. I was looking forward to us doing our normal 'best friend things' for a few days and getting a chance to relax and recharge. My trip was fantastic and we did just that, relaxed, recharged, and caught up with one another. The one quality I love about my best friend is her honesty, although I don't always like to hear what she has to say, it always gives me something to think about and decide what I'm going t...