Live a Little
This weekend was Valley Fest here at LVC. Valley Fest is a weekend filled with musical performances, food, vendors, activities, and a spring festival type atmosphere. I over my four years here have always loved Valley Fest. There is something about a spring festival after the winter months that enlivens me and helps me to feel like spring has finally arrived. This year was no different in that regard but vastly different in others. I have always been somewhat cautious in the way I live. Taking the safe route, planning, re-planning, and researching before making any decisions or life choices. Especially after my 'enlightenment' 5 years ago I have planned and prepared for everything, partly due to the fear of public anxiety attacks or panic and the struggle I have trusting myself and those around me. I always had to have a planned exit and routine so when things became overwhelming and difficult for me I could leave the situation or de...