Seasons of Change
Ahh... a moment to relax and write. Since I last wrote over a month ago a lot is changing in my already ever changing life. There is so much to update on that I decided I would explore a lot of the things that have happened in the last month through the pictures I have taken and the moments I have experienced. In the next 4 months I will be graduating from Lebanon Valley, moving, watching one of my best friends move across the country, hopefully getting a job, and starting my own classroom in August. A lot is happening but in the grand scheme of things they are all amazing opportunity to grow and experience life in new ways. Lebanon Valley College began its 150th year celebration on Founder's day at the end of February. To celebrate they had cupcakes and other goodies that displayed the 150th logo. In under 6 weeks I will be graduating in the 150th year of this amazing colleges existence. As I have shared many times before I have grown greatly in my time here and will foreve...