Seeing the Changes
51 days ago I posted about my first year in college. I talked about the amazing experiences and people that I met in the first fourth of my college experience. When I wrote that post I was focused on how it was such a sad moment that my first year was over and about how much I couldn't wait to return to my new home, Lebanon Valley College. In 47 days I do what 51 days ago I couldn't and still can't wait to do, return to a place I love. A place I get to experience things beyond what I ever thought I would or could experinace and spend time with people that lift me up and help me to be a better person. 51 days into my time away from LVC I have started to realize how much I have changed in my first year there. Everything about me has changed, yes I am still the same Amanda but there is a difference in my perspective, thoughts, and actions. As most of you know who read my blog my high school years weren't exactly picture perfect or as I...