Comfortably Uncomfortable

Comfortably uncomfortable is the only way I can explain my last few weeks. I have found myself in this whirl of feeling every emotion in the book all at once and man is it overwhelming. For so many months I have blocked myself from feeling. I have numbed myself with work, activities, and anything possible in attempts to not feel, to block, and hopefully over pass whatever was coming on my emotional rollercoaster. Through all of the blocking and manipulating of my emotions I knew that I was not going to get away with overpassing the overwhelming wave of emotions hitting me from the many events that have taken place in my life in the last year. A little over a year ago both of my grandfathers were sitting on either side of me as we celebrated my graduation in my parents new home. I was job searching, unsure of where I was going to end up teaching and if I was going to have a classroom of my own fresh out of college. I was on an emotion...